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At Home with Michelle and Terrence

Updated: Feb 7, 2022

Welcome to the chellegowdyHOME blog life coming straight at you from Atlanta, Georgia. Here is a space where I'll be recording the design process and phases of our not-so-new home, but our very first home together. Almost seven years in, we've put in a lot of sweat equity, but there's still a lot of work ahead to transform spaces and we welcome you along our journey.

I wanted to create this #blog to share our experiences and projects and hope to inspire others, if at the very least, inspire you to try your first DIY project. Go ahead and add that bold color to an accent wall somewhere in your home. You will be amazed at how simple a room color change can transform your space and your mood. One of my favorite quotes that I heard for years and always keep in the back of my head through the decorating process is, “Your home should rise up to meet you” (Oprah). It’s your home, it’s your space, it’s your sanctuary, and you should feel good in it from the moment you step through the door. It should be a reflection of you and what feels good to you. That will always vary from home to home.

“Your home should rise up to meet you” (Oprah).

By no means do I consider myself an expert in this space, nor claim to be one. I just simply love designing and decorating and I'm very passionate about creating functional, warm, and beautiful spaces. Creating spaces that we enjoy and love coming home to relish in every day.

And for me, it's also about creating those spaces on a friendly budget too. I love high-end items, but my wallet doesn't always match...actually it never matches, so finding those bargains and creating #DIY projects are always a win and I look forward to sharing those finds with you on here. Our home is literally a #DIYHome in its transformation - far from perfect and plenty lessons learned along the way, but I think that's what makes me love our home even more.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my #homeblog and going on this journey with us as we continue to transform this house into our forever home...with a couple of surprises, tips, tricks, and lessons along the way. #AtHomeWithMichelleAndTerrence. Let's Go!

Feel free to leave a comment, drop a question anytime, or contact me via email at


~ Michelle

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